【炒三糸】食欲をそそる炒め料理|中国の家庭のおもてなしレシピ。#スマート中華 #おもてなし料理 #炒三絲



鶏むね肉 260g
塩 小匙0.5(下味付け用)
白胡椒 小匙1/3(下味付け用)
紹興酒 小匙3(下味付け用)
片栗粉 大さじ1(下味付け用)
油 大さじ1(下味付け用)
ピーマン 2個(125g)
人参 1本(145g)
油 適量
ニンニク 10g
豆板醤 大さじ1
胡麻油 大さじ1


Chicken breast 260g
0.5 teaspoon of salt (for seasoning)
1/3 teaspoon of white pepper (for seasoning)
3 teaspoon of Shaoxing wine (for seasoning)
1 tablespoon of potato starch (for seasoning)
1 tablespoon of oil (for seasoning)
2 green peppers (125g)
1 carrot (145g)
Appropriate amount of oil
Garlic 10g
1 tablespoon of Doubanjiang
1 tablespoon of sesame oil

[Points and tips]
① It is easy to operate chicken breast if you cut it in a half-thawed state.
② Adjust the amount of peppers and carrots to your liking.
③ When the surface of the chicken breast becomes white, immediately remove it from the heat and remove it. Please be careful not to stir-fry for too long.

#スマート中華 #中華料理 #中華レシピ #中華炒め #炒め物 #本格中華 #家庭料理 #節約料理 #節約レシピ #かんたんレシピ #鶏むね肉 #鶏むね肉レシピ #ピーマン #人参

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