【帰宅後30分】ハンバーグ・ミネストローネ・キャベツ和え#料理 #料理動画 #節約ごはん #節約生活 #節約飯 #節約料理 #簡単レシピ #簡単料理 #おうちごはん #時短節約 #ハンバーグ






1. ハンバーグ(2人分)

  • 合挽き肉:250g
  • 玉ねぎ:1/2個(みじん切り)
  • パン粉:大さじ2
  • 牛乳:大さじ2
  • 卵:1個
  • 塩:少々
  • 胡椒:少々
  • サラダ油:適量
  • お好みでケチャップやソース

2. ミネストローネ(2人分)

  • 玉ねぎ:1/2個(みじん切り)
  • にんじん:1/2本(角切り)
  • セロリ:1/2本(角切り)
  • トマト缶(カット):1缶(400g)
  • コンソメ:1個
  • 水:300ml
  • 塩:少々
  • 胡椒:少々
  • お好みでパスタや豆類(あれば)

3. キャベツ和え(2人分)

  • キャベツ:1/4個(ざく切り)
  • ごま油:大さじ1
  • 醤油:大さじ1
  • 塩:少々


1. ハンバーグを作る

  1. 具材を混ぜる: ボウルに合挽き肉、みじん切りの玉ねぎ、パン粉、牛乳、卵、塩、胡椒を入れ、よく混ぜます。
  2. 形を作る: 混ぜたタネを2等分して、小判型に成形します。
  3. 焼く: フライパンにサラダ油を熱し、中火でハンバーグを両面がきれいな焼き色になるまで焼きます(約6〜8分程度)。焼き上がったら、お好みでケチャップやソースをかけます。

2. ミネストローネを作る

  1. 野菜を炒める: 別の鍋に少量の油を入れ、玉ねぎ、にんじん、セロリを中火で炒めます。玉ねぎが透明になるまで炒めます。
  2. 煮る: トマト缶、水、コンソメを加え、煮立たせます。塩と胡椒で味を調整し、あればパスタや豆類を加え、10分程度煮込みます。

3. キャベツ和えを作る

  1. キャベツを茹でる: 鍋に湯を沸かし、ざく切りのキャベツをさっと茹でます(1〜2分程度)。色が鮮やかになったら水気を切ります。
  2. 和える: ボウルに茹でたキャベツ、ごま油、醤油、塩を入れ、よく和えます。

4. 盛り付け




Hamburger steak, minestrone, and cabbage salad in 30 minutes after returning home

Even in our busy lives, we want to make a delicious dinner in a short time after we get home. Here we introduce three dishes that can be made in 30 minutes after you get home: hamburger steak, minestrone, and cabbage salad. They are easy to make, so please give them a try!


1. hamburger steak (for 2 persons)

– Ground beef: 250g
– 1/2 onion, finely chopped
– 2 tablespoons bread crumbs
– 2 tablespoons milk
– 1 egg
– Salt: a pinch
– A pinch of pepper
– Salad oil: to taste
– Ketchup or sauce to taste

2. minestrone (serves 2)

– 1/2 onion, chopped
– 1/2 carrot, diced
– 1/2 celery, diced
– 1 can (400 g) can tomatoes, cut
– 1 consomme (consommé)
– Water: 300 ml
– Salt: a pinch
– A pinch of pepper
– Pasta or beans (if desired)

3. cabbage salad (for 2 persons)

– 1/4 cabbage, cut into chunks
– 1 tablespoon sesame oil
– 1 tablespoon soy sauce
– Salt: a pinch


1. make hamburger steak

Mix ingredients: In a bowl, combine ground meat, chopped onion, bread crumbs, milk, egg, salt and pepper.

Shape: Divide the mixture into 2 equal portions and form into small balls. 3.

Grill: Heat salad oil in a frying pan and cook the hamburger patties over medium heat until nicely browned on both sides (about 6 to 8 minutes). When done, top with ketchup or sauce as desired. 2.

2. make minestrone

1. saute vegetables: In a separate pan, saute onion, carrot, and celery over medium heat in a small amount of oil. Sauté until onions are transparent. 2.

2. simmer: Add canned tomatoes, water and consommé and bring to a boil. Season to taste with salt and pepper, add pasta and beans if using, and simmer for about 10 minutes. 3.

3. make the cabbage salad

Boil the cabbage: Bring a pot of water to a boil and quickly boil the cabbage in chunks (about 1-2 minutes). When the color becomes bright, drain off the water. 2.

2) Dress: In a bowl, combine boiled cabbage, sesame oil, soy sauce, and salt, and mix well. 4) Serve.

4. serving

When all the dishes are finished, place the hamburger steak, minestrone, and cabbage salad on a plate.


The “hamburger steak”, “minestrone”, and “cabbage salad”, which can be made in 30 minutes after returning home, are well balanced in nutrition and make a satisfying dinner. Because they are easy to make, they are perfect for a busy day’s dinner. Please give them a try!

節約動画天国 Saving Video Heaven- Video compilation site for saving money that shows the wisdom of survival.