もやしと鶏むね肉の激安節約つくね。#shorts #節約レシピ









  • 鶏胸肉:300g
  • もやし:200g
  • 長ネギ:1本(みじん切り)
  • 生姜:1片(みじん切り)
  • 片栗粉:大さじ2
  • 塩:少々
  • 胡椒:少々


  • 醤油:大さじ3
  • みりん:大さじ2
  • 砂糖:大さじ1
  • ごま油:小さじ1
  • おろしニンニク:1片分(お好みで)


1. 材料の準備

  1. 鶏胸肉の下処理: 鶏胸肉は皮を取り除き、包丁で細かく刻むか、フードプロセッサーでミンチ状にします。
  2. もやしの下処理: もやしは軽く洗い、水気を切ります。
  3. 長ネギと生姜の準備: 長ネギと生姜はそれぞれみじん切りにします。

2. 具材を混ぜる

  1. ボウルに入れる: 鶏胸肉、もやし、長ネギ、生姜、片栗粉、塩、胡椒を全てボウルに入れます。
  2. よく混ぜる: 手でしっかりと混ぜ合わせ、全体が均一になるようにします。これでつくねのタネが完成です。

3. つくねを形成する

  1. 形を作る: タネを手に取り、適量を丸めて小判型にします。これを繰り返して全てのタネを形成します。

4. 焼く

  1. フライパンを熱する: フライパンにごま油を入れて中火で熱します。
  2. つくねを焼く: 形成したつくねをフライパンに並べ、両面がこんがりと焼き色が付くまで焼きます(約3〜4分程度)。

5. 甘辛ダレを加える

  1. タレを作る: 別の小鍋で醤油、みりん、砂糖、ごま油、おろしニンニクを混ぜ、中火で加熱して煮立たせます。
  2. つくねに絡める: 焼きあがったつくねに甘辛ダレを加え、全体に絡めながら軽く煮詰めます。タレがとろっとしてきたら完成です。

6. 盛り付け




Representative of super cheap ingredients! Sweet and Spicy Tsukune with Bean Sprouts and Chicken Breast


Bean sprouts and chicken breast are economical and nutritious ingredients. Combining these two ingredients, “Tsukune (bean sprouts and chicken breast) with sweet and spicy sauce” is not only easy to make, but also satisfying. In particular, the sweet and spicy seasoning is appetizing and makes a perfect side dish for rice. Here is a simple recipe.


(Serves 4)

– Chicken breast: 300g
– Bean sprouts: 200 g
– 1 leek: 1 stalk (finely chopped)
– 1 piece of ginger, minced
– 2 tablespoons potato starch
– Salt: a pinch
– A pinch of pepper

(sweet and spicy sauce)

– 3 tablespoons soy sauce
– 2 tablespoons mirin (sweet cooking sake)
– 1 tablespoon sugar
– 1 teaspoon sesame oil
– 1 clove grated garlic (optional)


1. preparation of ingredients

1. chicken breast preparation: Remove the skin from the chicken breast and finely chop with a knife or mince in a food processor. 2.

2) Prepare bean sprouts: Wash bean sprouts and drain.

Prepare leeks and ginger: Finely chop leeks and ginger. 2.

2. mix ingredients

Place chicken breast, bean sprouts, green onions, ginger, potato starch, salt, and pepper in a bowl. 2.

Mix well: Mix thoroughly with your hands to make sure everything is evenly distributed. Now the tsukune batter is ready. 3.

3. forming tsukune

1. forming a shape: Take a handful of the tsukune and roll a small amount of tsukune into a small oval shape. Repeat this process to form all the tsukune. 4.

4. baking

Heat a frying pan: Heat sesame oil in a frying pan over medium heat. 2.

Grill the tsukune: Place the tsukune on the pan and cook until browned on both sides (about 3-4 minutes). 5.

5. add sweet and spicy sauce

1. make the sauce: In a separate small saucepan, mix soy sauce, mirin, sugar, sesame oil, and grated garlic, and bring to a boil over medium heat. 2.

Add the sweet and spicy sauce to the grilled Tsukune. When the sauce has thickened, it is ready to serve. 6.

6. serving time

Arrange the baked sweet and spicy tsukune on a plate and top with white sesame seeds and green onions, if desired, to add color to the dish.


Sweet and spicy tsukune with bean sprouts and chicken breast is a satisfying dish that makes use of very inexpensive ingredients. Because it is easy to make, it is perfect for busy days for dinner or lunch. This dish is also nutritionally well-balanced and friendly to the family budget. Please give it a try!


節約動画天国 Saving Video Heaven- Video compilation site for saving money that shows the wisdom of survival.