貯金あるのに貧乏性なことあげてけ #shorts #お金 #節約術 #節約 #節約術 #2ch #貯金





1. 無駄に安物を買う


2. 極端な節約志向


3. 特売品を追いかける


4. 外食を避ける過度なこだわり


5. 自分へのご褒美を我慢する


6. 使わないポイントやマイルを放置




Being poor despite having savings

There are certain behaviors and ways of thinking that we end up feeling “poor” even though we have savings. These behaviors are not actually about being wasteful, but come from the fact that somewhere in the back of our minds we feel that we are wasting money, even though we have the financial means to do so. Here are some typical examples

1. buying cheap goods for nothing

Despite the availability of high-quality products, we sometimes choose inexpensive ones. As a result, they often break or become unusable quickly, which may eventually lead to unnecessary expenses.

2. extreme frugality

They may be extremely concerned about small expenses in their daily lives and may not use necessary services or products. For example, they may continue to use only inexpensive foodstuffs or hesitate to go to the hospital when they are sick.

3. chasing after special sales

Sometimes people are so obsessed with special sales and coupons that they waste money shopping just for the sake of it. This can lead to an increase in the number of items that are “bought because they are cheap, but never used.

4. excessive obsession to avoid eating out

Even though they have money saved up, they continue to avoid eating out and insist on cooking for themselves, which can cause their meals to become stale and unbalanced. We forget that eating out can be both a pleasure and sometimes a mental refresher.

5. holding back on rewarding oneself.

Despite having savings, we sometimes hold back on rewarding ourselves or indulging in a little luxury. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you think that you are wasting your money, so you cannot indulge yourself.

6. neglecting unused points or miles

Sometimes we have savings, but we leave the points or miles we have saved for a trip unused. You may think, “I’ll use it someday,” but it will eventually expire.


Even if you have savings, poor behavior and thinking can be seen in everyone. These can be good opportunities to re-evaluate how you spend your money and your mindset. We want to remember to take care of ourselves and enjoy ourselves from time to time, while at the same time avoiding waste. It is important to find a balance between managing money wisely and living a prosperous life.

節約動画天国 Saving Video Heaven- Video compilation site for saving money that shows the wisdom of survival.