電気代が上がる夏の家事3つのNG行動 #電気 #電気代高騰 #節約 #ハウスクリーニング






1. エアコンを過信する

NG行動: エアコンに頼りすぎて温度設定を低くしすぎる


解決策: 適切な温度設定を心掛ける


2. 窓を閉めっぱなしにする

NG行動: 日中に窓を閉めたまま過ごす


解決策: 窓を開けて自然の風を取り入れる


3. 使用していない電気製品を放置する

NG行動: スタンバイ状態の家電をそのままにする


解決策: 不使用時はコンセントから抜く




3 Summer Household Behaviors to Avoid (Causing Increased Electricity Bills)

Summer is a hot season, and it is also a time when electricity bills are a concern because of the increased use of air conditioners and cooling systems. However, unconscious chores and habits can unnecessarily increase electricity bills. Here are three NG behaviors to avoid in summer housekeeping.

1. over-reliance on air conditioning

NG Behavior: Relying too much on air conditioning and setting the temperature too low

When using air conditioning, one should avoid setting the temperature to extremely low settings for comfort. For example, setting the temperature to 25 degrees Celsius or lower will cause electricity consumption to skyrocket, resulting in higher electricity bills.

Solution: Use appropriate temperature settings

The recommended temperature setting for air conditioners is 27 to 28 degrees Celsius. This setting is comfortable and reduces power consumption. Using an electric fan in combination with the air conditioner will further enhance the cooling effect. 2.

2. leaving windows closed

NG Behavior: Spending time with windows closed during the day

If windows are closed during the daytime in summer, heat from the outside air is trapped inside, increasing the load on the air conditioner. This reduces cooling efficiency and consumes extra electricity.

Solution: Open windows to let in natural breezes

Since it is cooler, especially in the morning and evening, open windows during these hours to let in natural breezes. During the day, it is effective to use curtains or blinds to block direct sunlight and prevent indoor temperatures from rising.

3. leaving unused appliances unattended

NG Behavior: Leave appliances on standby

Leaving unused appliances on standby leads to unnecessary power consumption. In particular, televisions and computers use a surprisingly large amount of standby power.

Solution: Unplug when not in use

Unplug unused appliances or use switched taps to reduce standby power. This will reduce unnecessary electricity bills.


Summer housekeeping requires attention, and unconscious actions can increase your electricity bill. By being creative with air conditioner settings, window controls, and appliance usage, you can have a pleasant summer while saving money on electricity. Act wisely to achieve an eco-friendly and comfortable lifestyle!

節約動画天国 Saving Video Heaven- Video compilation site for saving money that shows the wisdom of survival.