肉汁たっぷりおうち小籠包🥟✨#同棲 #簡単レシピ #節約料理 #節約ごはん #夜ご飯 #料理 #cooking #自炊








  • 小麦粉:200g
  • 熱湯:100ml
  • 塩:ひとつまみ


  • 豚ひき肉:250g
  • 生姜:1片(みじん切り)
  • ネギ:1本(みじん切り)
  • 醤油:大さじ1
  • ごま油:大さじ1
  • 砂糖:小さじ1
  • 胡椒:少々
  • 鶏ガラスープ:100ml(または水+粉末鶏ガラスープ)


1. 生地を作る

  1. 小麦粉に塩を加える: ボウルに小麦粉とひとつまみの塩を入れ、混ぜ合わせます。
  2. 熱湯を加える: 熱湯を少しずつ加えながら、箸などでかき混ぜます。全体がまとまってきたら、手でこねます。
  3. 生地を寝かせる: 生地をラップで包み、30分ほど休ませます。

2. 具材を作る

  1. 具材を混ぜる: ボウルに豚ひき肉、生姜、ネギ、醤油、ごま油、砂糖、胡椒、鶏ガラスープを入れ、よく混ぜます。
  2. 肉汁を作る: 具材をしっかり混ぜたら、冷蔵庫で30分ほど寝かせます。これにより、旨味が増します。

3. 小籠包を包む

  1. 生地を分ける: 寝かせた生地を取り出し、8等分に分けます。
  2. 皮を作る: 各生地を薄く伸ばします。中心が少し厚くなるようにすることがポイントです。
  3. 具材を包む: 皮の中心に具材を乗せ、周囲を持ち上げて包みます。ひだを作るようにしてしっかりと閉じます。

4. 蒸す

  1. 蒸し器の準備: 蒸し器にクッキングシートやキャベツの葉を敷いて、小籠包がくっつかないようにします。
  2. 蒸す: 包んだ小籠包を並べて、中火で約15〜20分蒸します。

5. 盛り付けと楽しみ方




Home-style small baskets filled with gravy

First of all

Xiaolongbao is a kind of dumpling wrapped in a thin skin and filled with gravy. Although they are often enjoyed at restaurants, they can actually be easily made at home as well. Here, we will introduce in detail how to make home-made xiaolongbao with plenty of gravy.



– Flour: 200 g
– Boiling water: 100 ml
– Pinch of salt


– Minced pork: 250g
– 1 piece of ginger, minced
– 1 green onion, finely chopped
– 1 tablespoon soy sauce
– 1 tablespoon sesame oil
– 1 teaspoon sugar
– A pinch of pepper
– 100 ml chicken broth (or water + chicken broth powder)


1. make the dough

1. add salt to flour: mix flour and a pinch of salt in a bowl. 2.

Add boiling water: Add the boiling water little by little, stirring with chopsticks. Knead the dough by hand until it comes together. 3.

Let the dough rise: Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest for about 30 minutes. 2.

2. make the ingredients

Mix ingredients: In a bowl, combine ground pork, ginger, scallions, soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, pepper, and chicken broth.

2. make the gravy: Mix the ingredients thoroughly and let sit in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. This will increase the flavor. 3.

3. wrap the dumplings

Separate the dough: Take out the risen dough and divide it into 8 equal portions. 2.

Make the dough: Roll out each piece of dough thinly. The center should be slightly thicker. 3.

Wrap the filling: Place the filling in the center of the dough and lift the dough around the filling. Close tightly, making folds. 4.

4. steaming

Prepare a steamer: Line a steamer with a cookie sheet or cabbage leaves to prevent the parcels from sticking together. 2.

2) Steaming: Place the wrapped parcels on the steamer and steam over medium heat for about 15 to 20 minutes. 5) Serving and Enjoyment

5. serving and enjoyment

Serve the steamed parcels on a plate while still hot. Garnish with vinegar and soy sauce or spices to taste. When eating, break the skin gently to keep the juices inside.


Home-made small basket dumplings with plenty of gravy is a delicious dish that can be easily made at home. Although it takes a lot of time and effort, the taste of a small basket of dumplings made by yourself is exceptional. Enjoy a heartwarming moment while having a good time with family and friends. Make your everyday life special with delicious xiaolongbao!

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