
#鶏胸肉レシピ #青のり塩チキン#にゃーぴーのお料理日記 #のり塩チキン

オリジナル本編もみてね! -------------------------- ⚫︎チャンネル紹介⚫︎ 【にゃーぴーのお料理日記】では、簡単・節約できるものを中心に配信していきます! 特に鶏胸肉料理は、安くてヘルシーで高タンパク、い...

かしこい保険の見直し方 千葉登様 講演会

・保険に加入したまま、何年も見直していない ・そもそも保険をよく分かっていない ・保険の見直しポイントが知りたい などなど、みなさんは生命保険に対して、どう思っていますか? 日本人の80%の人が生命保険に加入しているのにも関わらず、...

せいろdeダイエット14日目#ダイエット #料理 #ダイエットレシピ #節約 #茶碗蒸し #蒸篭 #自炊 #蒸し焼き #おうちごはん



今回の動画は人生長年生きた2ちゃん民が人生を楽にする考え方や習慣を語り合うスレをご紹介します。人生をもっと楽に生きたい、人生が楽しくない そんなあなたにぴったりの動画になっているのでぜひ最後まで見て行ってね! またあなたが人生を楽にする...


ご視聴いただきありがとうございます! 移動するだけでマイルが貯まる #トリマ まだ始めてないなら招待コード【L35tvBYlZ】を使って5,000ポイントもらおう!! ※招待コード入力しないとポイントは受け取れないのでご注意ください...


In today's society, there are many different opinions about the need for insurance. Especially in Japan, the traditional view of the insurance system is changing. In this issue, we would like to discuss whether insurance is truly necessary or unnecessary from an economic perspective.

知らなきゃ危険!夏の電気代が倍増する意外な原因 #夏の節約 #電気代節約 #エアコン設定 #冷蔵庫節電 #節約術 #サーキュレーター #室外機 #shorts

Today I'm going to give you a “Summer Electricity Savings Tip” that will cost you a fortune if you don't know it. If you don't know this, you could be in for some serious expenses.


200 g chicken meat 1/3 leek 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon chicken stock 1 tablespoon sesame oil 1 tablespoon garlic tube 2 cm diced sesame seeds 1 tablespoon potato starch


Overnight Oats Dosage.I'm often asked about it.I always put them in the summary section.Oatmeal: 40g,100g soy milk,Milk ... 50cc,Sugar (sweetener) ...any amount you like,Cocoa powder ...any amount you like Toppings (co-flakes, etc.)

サーキュレーターの置き場所を工夫してエアコン代を節約しよう✨ #電気代 #電気代高騰 #太陽光 #太陽光発電 #蓄電池

Save money on air conditioning bills by placing your circulator in the right place.


There is a lot of money lurking in our daily lives that we waste without even being aware of it. Reviewing these “unseen” wasteful expenditures can lead to significant savings.


In the first part of this video, we explained why electricity rates continue to skyrocket.In the second part of the video, we will focus on how electricity rates can be reduced and explain countermeasures.

年齢とリアルな貯金額をあげてけ!【ガルちゃん】節約, 節約術, 貯金, 投資, ポイ活, ズボラ, 生活費, 固定費, お金, #shorts  #貯金 #お金

I want to save money! I want to spend it wisely! This is a channel full of money-saving tips for those who want to save money!

【節約レシピ】原価50円以下!キャベツのペペロンチーノのコスパが最強過ぎる! #料理 #簡単美味しい #簡単料理 #簡単レシピ #おうちごはん #cooking #自炊

This is a simple recipe using only cabbage as an ingredient.This time, the cabbage is made into a peperoncino style.


Today, I'd like to dig a little deeper and specifically introduce you to the 20 strategies I used to save 10 million dollars.

今すぐエアコンの電気代を節約するテクニック#雑学 #エアコン #節約

With the summer heat becoming increasingly severe, air conditioners have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. However, it is undeniable that the use of air conditioners causes electricity bills to skyrocket. Therefore, we will introduce some techniques to save on electricity bills for air conditioners that you can put into practice right now.


We introduce the supreme savings techniques that minimalists have practiced and found to be effective. We hope you will find it useful as a reference for your own life of savings.


I think this is a good way to save on electricity bills.

半熟卵のミートドリアが美味しかった! #ドリア #料理 #自炊 #健康 #節約

Recently, I had the opportunity to try a meat doria with half-boiled egg. Doria is a classic combination of creamy white sauce and cheese, but the addition of a half-boiled egg brings out an even more exquisite taste. I would like to introduce its charm in detail.


Now you can enjoy your life of saving! /Three things pensioners need to do to live a comfortable life of saving.This is a video about how I, as a pensioner, have been practicing for the past two and a half years to make my saving life more enjoyable.