

意外な真実!少ない給料で始める賢い節約術 – ジャック・ベニーの名言に学ぶ

Money quotes from me, who built more than 10 million yen in assets in my 20s In this issue, I would like to introduce some life-changing money quotes based on my experience of building more than 10 million yen in assets in my 20s. These are all quotes that will change the way you think about money just by listening to them. Feel free to listen to them and change your mindset.

【1万円も損する!】400円で出来る電気代節約そうじ術!#アラサー女子 #暮らし

For you!Just a little bit of work for only 400 yen,I will teach you how to reduce your electricity bill by 10,000 yen!


In this issue, I will show you how to make a 3-day dinner menu with vegetables.I have recently become more conscious of eating vegetables than before, but sometimes I get lazy thinking about the hassle and the price (laughs).


Smart money-saving techniques are essential to living a full life while keeping living expenses low. Below are some recommended savings techniques that are easy to implement.


Social insurance premiums can take a significant chunk out of your monthly budget, but there are strategic ways to save on them without compromising your coverage. Here are some tips and secrets that anyone can implement to reduce their social insurance premiums effectively.

【帰宅後30分】ハンバーグ・ミネストローネ・キャベツ和え#料理 #料理動画 #節約ごはん #節約生活 #節約飯 #節約料理 #簡単レシピ #簡単料理 #おうちごはん #時短節約 #ハンバーグ

Even in our busy lives, we want to make a delicious dinner in a short time after we get home. Here we introduce three dishes that can be made in 30 minutes after you get home: hamburger steak, minestrone, and cabbage salad. They are easy to make, so please give them a try!


Circulators are useful appliances that promote air circulation and efficient heating and cooling. It can be especially utilized to relieve summer heat and winter cold, and can also save on electricity bills. It is also effective for room drying. Here are some tips on how to use a circulator and how to place it effectively.


Did you know that the way you buy tickets can save you money on your trip? In this video, we will explain in detail how to buy affordable tickets for long-distance travel and multi-city visits. We will show you exactly how you can save big by buying in bulk. Please take a look.


Suddenly the electricity bill doubled → To save money, I turned off the breaker only when I was out, and then I heard shouting from the vacant house next door...

240722WeeklyPodcast.. 週間再生数・節約・ウォーク結果〜今回序盤マイクが、、でした〜💦

Weekly Views, Savings and Walk Results