#ピーマン 5個
#ツナ缶 1つ
ゴマ油 適量
鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ1
塩胡椒 少々
ゴマ 少々
鰹節 1パック
Tuna peppers
Ingredients (5 servings)
5 peppers
Tuna can 1
Appropriate amount of sesame oil
1 teaspoon of chicken glass soup
A little salt and pepper
A little sesame
1 pack of dried bonito
#Men’s rice
#Time saving
#Home rice
#Home cooking
#Cooking beginner
#OK store
# Men’s rice
#Cooking beginner
#Telework rice
#Cooking video
#Easy recipe
#Recipe video
#Easy recipe
#Saving recipes
#Time saving recipe
#Recommended recipe